Embracing Diversity in High Energy Physics
From 7.10. to 9.10.2024, we organized a three-day workshop aimed at initiating discussions, networking and learning from experts about diversity and inclusion in the field of high-energy physics with a specific focus on gender diversity.
Philosophy in Physics
Our speakers for the event were Nurida Boddenberg and Sophia Haude who are completing their PhD in Philosophy of Physics. They both gave talks on some really interesting ideas which sparked stimulating discussions among the audience.
Talk 27.11.2023
We were honored to welcome Prof. Tomas Brage to our series of open talks. As a professor in Theoretical Physics he started realizing the importance of gender in Physics 25 years ago. Since then he has been intensively involved in gender equality works, gives talks all around Europe and is a steering member in many European groups dedicated to understanding the relation between gender and Physics. In his inspiring talk he shared his insights of years of research, work and experience. 
Coffee, cake and many new faces
Here you can find a small insight in one of our last informal meetings where we usually come together and get to know each other better over coffee, tea and cake. Sometimes the discussions are about our research projects, sometimes about challenges or problems we are facing, but can also just be something fun like holiday plans or whatever is on our minds.
Biological Membranes and Career Advice with Professor Monzel
Our first ever speaker, Prof. Monzel from University Düsseldorf, gave a talk about biological membranes followed by an informal conversation about her personal career and how being a women can affect working in Physics research. She gave a lot of helpful career advice starting from how and where to apply for funds to the importance of having a good supervisor or how to be confident and bold in a male-dominated research area. 
New Models in Particle Physics with Prof. Funcke
We were honoured to invite Prof. Lena Funcke from the University of Bonn, who gave a talk about new models and methods for particle physics. She has recently become a junior professor and hence she also talked to us about her journey, starting from Ph.D. to post-doc and then to a professor, as a woman in the field.
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