Women* in Physics Bonn
We aim to build a network of women* at an early state of their career in Physics at the University of Bonn through monthly meetings.
Our participants are mainly Master`s students, PhDs and postdocs, but we also warmly welcome any women* doing a Bachelor`s and interested in connecting with more experienced women* researchers.
If you want to join our mailing list, where we send reminders for all meetings and inform you about other organizational issues, please klick https://listen.uni-bonn.de/wws/subscribe/women_inphysicsbonn?previous_action=review
If you have any questions, you can contact us via womenphysicsorganizers AT listen.uni-bonn.de
We introduce people from different physics research groups who regularly take part in the Women* in Physics Bonn meetings.
If you are looking for someone from a certain group to refer to for any questions concerning research, the group itself or just want to connect to people, feel free to join the meetings and get to know everyone there.
Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
The members of this group work in theoretical condensed matter and quantum optical systems, particularly dynamical phenomena far from thermodynamic equilibrium. They for example work towards the true quantum simulation of these systems using digital quantum computers.
Theoretical Nuclear and Particle Physics
The members of this group work in Theoretical Physics in particular Quantum Chromodynamics, Effective Field Theory, Nuclear Structure and Reactions, Nuclear Lattice Effective Field Theory, Monte Carlo Methods in Nuclear, Particle and Atomic Physics and Topological Soliton Models.