Alternative to Lab course 5 in the Bachelor's program

 As part of the ProMaster project, during the winter term 24/25 you have the possibility to partly replace the lab course 5 (physics660, Praktikum Kern- und Teilchenphysik) with a master course featuring a significant laboratory component.
Instead of some experiments of lab course 5, in the upcoming semester, the master module physics723 Hands-on Seminar: Detector Construction can be undertaken. This will allow you to independently develop hands-on skills in detector construction. This more hardware related work is combined with regular experiments from the lab course 5 that teach you analysis of large data sets and software skills.
For more detailed information about the modules, please refer to the module handbook and the following links:

lab course 5
If you wish to take physics723 instead of lab course 5, you must indicate this during registration in Basis. This decision is binding, and a subsequent change and recognition as a master module are not possible. If you choose to have physics723 credited instead of lab course 5, it cannot be credited again in the master's program.

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