Laboratory courses in the physics program

Deepening knowledge through experimentation

The implementation of various laboratory courses in the physics program offer students the opportunity to deepen the material learned in the lectures and to acquire experimental competencies. In addition to the respective physics content and experimental competencies, methodological competencies are also learned in the various lab courses, building on each other.

The lab courses in the Master's program deepen the physical and methodological competencies acquired in the Bachelor's program. In the master's programs in physics and astronomy, students are introduced to current research through the experiments.

Lab courses in the Bachelor of Physics program

In the bachelor's program, the content of each major experimental physics lecture is deepened in one of the lab courses 1 - 5. In addition, the electronics lab course is completed between lab courses 3 and 4.

Learning goals of the physics lab courses in the bachelor's program

In addition to the physics content, methodological competencies are also to be learned in the individual modules. The physics and methodological knowledge acquired in the bachelor's lab courses builds on each other and is a prerequisite for participation in more advanced lab courses. The methodological learning goals of the sequential lab courses are listed below.

It is strongly recommended to carry out the lab courses in the given order!

Basic and electronics lab courses

  • preparation and execution of experiments
  • deepening understanding of physics
  • operation of measuring instruments
  • plausibility tests
  • estimating measurement accuracy
  • sensible rounding
  • creating tables and graphs by hand, axis scaling of graphs
  • graphical fitting & Gaussian error propagation by hand
  • create lab report (handwritten)
  • cooperation skills
  • understanding of measurement techniques & measuring devices
  • independent selection of measuring ranges
  • tables and plots with PC: graphical fitting and error calculation with PC
  • assessment capability/measurement quality
  • differentiation between statistical and systematic uncertainty
  • stress resistance (block practical)

Advanced lab courses

  • planning measurements
  • complete evaluation with PC: presentation of data and experimental report
  • correct citation
  • time management
  • large amounts of data
  • dealing with radioactivity


Avatar B.Sc. Physik, Anfängerpraktikum (Praktikum 1, Praktikum 2, Praktikum 3)

B.Sc. Physik, Anfängerpraktikum (Praktikum 1, Praktikum 2, Praktikum 3)

Dr. Tobias Jungk, Dr. Daniel Elsner

Avatar B.Sc. Physik, Elektronik-Praktikum

B.Sc. Physik, Elektronik-Praktikum

Dr. Fabian Hügging

Avatar B.Sc. Physik, Praktikum 4

B.Sc. Physik, Praktikum 4

Dr. Tina Bantes, Dr. Barbara Valeriani-Kaminski

Avatar B.Sc. Physik, Praktikum 5

B.Sc. Physik, Praktikum 5

Dr. Tina Bantes, Dr. Barbara Valeriani-Kaminski

Lab course in the M.Sc. in Physics/M.Sc. in Astrophysics programs

The Advanced Laboratory Course is a required course in the physics and astrophysics programs. The course consists of advanced experiments that give the participants an insight into important subfields of modern experimental physics and astrophysics.

Learning goals of the advanced laboratory course

In performing research-related experiments, students will learn experimental techniques of modern physics and astrophysics as well as complex statistical methods for data analysis. The use of primary literature is introduced in this lab course.

The skills learned in the bachelor's lab courses are required. Participation in the Preparatory Lab Course is a prerequisite for students who did not get their Bachelor degree at University of Bonn.


Avatar M.Sc. Physik, Advanced Lab Course

M.Sc. Physik, Advanced Lab Course

Dr. Barbara Valeriani-Kaminski, Dr. Tina Bantes

Lab courses in the teacher training programs

The experimental lectures Physik 1, Physik 2 and Physik 3 in the bachelor's degree program in physics are supplemented by a laboratory course, which takes place in the lecture period of the following semester. By means of experiments in mechanics and thermodynamics (Praktikum 1: mechanics, thermodynamics), electricity (Praktikum 2) and magnetism as well as optics (Praktikum 3: optics, wave mechanics) the students learn how to experiment and document. The laboratory courses in the teacher training bachelor's program according to the examination regulations 2017 are identical to the basic lab courses 1-3 in the B.Sc. in Physics program.

In the teacher training master's program, the module physics412LA (advanced practical course for teachers) is the only compulsory course in the subject area. In this lab course, experiments on atomic and solid state physics, nuclear and elementary particle physics as well as astronomy are performed.

Learning goals of the lab courses in the teacher training programs

In addition to the physics content, methodological competencies are also to be learned in the individual modules. The physics and methodological knowledge acquired in the bachelor's lab courses builds on each other and is a prerequisite for participation in more advanced lab courses. The methodological learning goals of the sequential lab courses are listed below.

It is strongly recommended to carry out the lab courses in the given order!

Bachelor's program

Master's program

  • planning measurements
  • presentation of data and lab report
  • correct citation
  • time management
  • large amounts of data
  • dealing with radioactivity


Avatar Lehramt Physik, Anfängerpraktikum (Praktikum 1, Praktikum 2, Praktikum 3)

Lehramt Physik, Anfängerpraktikum (Praktikum 1, Praktikum 2, Praktikum 3)

Dr. Tobias Jungk, Dr. Daniel Elsner

Avatar Lehramt Physik, Fortgeschrittenen-Praktikum

Lehramt Physik, Fortgeschrittenen-Praktikum

Dr. Barbara Valeriani-Kaminski, Dr. Ulrich Blum

Physics lab courses in other study programs

Here are listed all study programs that require participation in lab courses in physics. Please click on the blue button to get to the page of the event you are looking for. There you will find all information about the lab course as well as the contact details of the contact persons.

Learning goals in the physics lab courses for other study programs

In addition to the physics content, methodological competencies are also to be learned in the individual modules. The methodological learning objectives of the various practical courses are listed below.

Methodological learning goals of physics lab courses for students of ...

  • preparation and execution of experiments
  • deepening understanding of physics
  • operation of measuring instruments
  • understanding of measuring techniques & instruments
  • plausibility tests
  • estimating measurement accuracy
  • sensible rounding
  • creating tables and graphs, axis scaling of graphs
  • graphical fitting & Gaussian error propagation
  • create protocol (handwritten)
  • cooperation skills

The learning goals for the lab courses 1-3 can be found here.


Avatar Physikpraktikum Biologie (Blockkurs)

Physikpraktikum Biologie (Blockkurs)

Priv. Doz. Dr. R. Joosten

Dr. Christoph Wendel

Avatar Physikpraktikum HM, ZM, MBM, Pha

Physikpraktikum HM, ZM, MBM, Pha

Prof. Dr. U. Thoma

Dr. Christoph Wendel

Avatar Physikalisches Praktikum für Naturwissenschaftler

Physikalisches Praktikum für Naturwissenschaftler

Dr. Tobias Jungk, Dr. Daniel Elsner

Important links

Prerequisite for participation in the respective internships is registration in BASIS.

Participants can find all information about the courses on eCampus. Access to the eCampus course is granted to students after successful registration and participation in the safety briefing.

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