Welcome to the Physics Show!

The Physics Show of the university Bonn

Our "Physikshow" aims to educate kids and adults alike about physics while they experience a fun show. In our shows we present entertaining and educational experiments - and explain them in an easy to understand way. The explanations of the main shows in Bonn are drafted towards children around 12 years. The traveling particle physics show is aimed at a slightly older audience (14+). However, younger children also can have a lot of fun watching the experiments without understanding all of the explanations.

The "Physikshow" is lead by Prof. Herbert Dreiner and Timo Poller from the physics institute of the Bonn University. The students write and perform the shows during their free time.

Audience of the Phyusical
The lecture hall is full when the show starts! © Barbara Frommann
Flame tube
The Rubens flame tube © Physikshow Uni Bonn
Jupi shows Life how planets are formed. © Physikshow Uni Bonn
Physics Show 2023

In September it's that time again: The physics show goes into the next round! The active physics students present their latest show. Look forward to a captivating performance in which the fascinating world of physics is brought to life in an entertaining and educational way.

The Physics Show Musical as a guest in Tübingen

From March 22 to 25, the physics show of the University of Bonn gave a guest performance at the University of Tübingen. There it performed the worldwide unique physics show musical "Planetamos", which is going on tour for the first time. The humorous show explains from a physics perspective what makes life on earth possible and protects it. The 90-minute piece includes 14 live experiments, 7 live sung songs and was accompanied by an orchestra staffed with 7 different instruments. All participants are students (or former students) of the University of Bonn. There were 3 performances in front of a sold-out audience of 520 people each, including a show especially for school classes from elementary school to middle school. The local support by physics professors Josef Jochum and Werner Vogelsang was fantastic. We felt very comfortable!

Physics: Far From Home
Wolfgang-Paul lecture ...
02:00 PM - 04:00 PM
The kingdom of Promethea is threatened by stagnation. Queen Karina, obnoxious and selfish, orders the construction of the legendary UÜLGA – an engine designed ...
Physics: Far From Home
Wolfgang-Paul lecture ...
02:00 PM - 04:00 PM
The kingdom of Promethea is threatened by stagnation. Queen Karina, obnoxious and selfish, orders the construction of the legendary UÜLGA – an engine designed ...
Physics: Far From Home
Wolfgang-Paul lecture ...
02:00 PM - 04:00 PM
The kingdom of Promethea is threatened by stagnation. Queen Karina, obnoxious and selfish, orders the construction of the legendary UÜLGA – an engine designed ...




performances since


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Patricia Zündorf

Reservation and administration

Mika Thein

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