Particle Physics Masterclasses
Particle physics masterclasses of "Netzwerk Teilchenwelt" are project days led by young scientists from the Bonn physics department. The focus is on the analysis of current data from particle physics experiments at CERN or at the KEK research center in Japan. Masterclasses can take place at the University of Bonn, at school or via video conference.

How does a masterclass work?
The workshop lasts five to seven hours depending on the data analysis and the interest of the students. Young people aged 15-19 can participate and the ideal group size is around 20 participants.
- An introductory lecture provides necessary background knowledge.
- The participants then work with the data themselves on the computer.
- A particle physics quiz concludes the journey of discovery through particle physics.
Who can organize a masterclass
Both teachers and young people can organize a masterclass.
The masterclass can be held during class or in the afternoon. The prerequisite for the venue is a room for the lecture with a beamer and a computer cabinet (one computer per two participants). In addition, the data analysis must be technically prepared after consultation with the location. Exact information about the software for the data analysis will be given to the organizing person. The costs of the event are covered by Netzwerk Teilchenwelt.
Better prepared for the particle physics masterclass!
Basic prior knowledge is not necessary but an advantage, so that the participants are better prepared for the masterclass and more time is available for the evaluation of the data.
Therefore we recommend before participation the Online Preparation Course for the Particle Physics Masterclass. The preparatory course is divided into several sections that provide students with step-by-step insights into particle physics fundamentals. The password is „Teilchenphysik!“.
The masterclass@home is a particle physics masterclass, which takes place via videoconference. This format allows masterclasses to be held at schools further away.
Participants can take part both from home and from the classroom. Prerequisites for participation are a good and stable internet connection as well as the possibility to work on a PC for the entire duration of the event.

Offered Masterclasses
At the University of Bonn we currently offer the following masterclasses on particle physics:
ATLAS W-Path Masterclass: This is all about the structure of the proton and the discovery of a new particle (in this case the Higgs boson).
LHCb Masterclass: This is about the reconstruction of very short-lived particles at the LHC. In the hands-on part, B-hadrons and their decays are analyzed using modern methods of data analysis.
Belle II Masterclass: The focus of the masterclass is also on the strong interaction. In the hands-on part, the number of color charges/colors is determined experimentally.
Machine Learning Masterclass: The focus here is on how machine learning works and how it is used in particle physics, for example. In the hands-on part, a neural network is trained to measure the decays of the Z boson.