Examination dates and deadlines

Here you will find an overview of dates and registration/deregistration deadlines for courses and module examinations. More detailed information on lab courses and lab-course examinations can be found under this link.

Exam organization

For all enrolled students, the examination authority responsible for their degree program (examination board, in German Prüfungsausschuss) is an important point of contact. The Examinations Office (Prüfungsamt) is the office of the Examination Board and answers your questions about the examination procedure.

For example, we can help with problems with exam registration and deregistration. At the beginning of your studies, you submit your application for admission to the Bachelor's or Master's examination to the Examinations Office.

Avatar Kleuser

Silke Kleuser



Nußallee 14-16

53115 Bonn

Opening hours

  • Mondays to Thursdays
    09.00 - 14.00
  • Fridays
    by e-mail and telephone


Avatar Kleuser

Silke Kleuser


Nußallee 14-16

53115 Bonn

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