Examination office and examination board

If you have any questions about the legal situation or the administrative process, you might find the answer here, otherwise, we will be happy to help you over the phone, by email or in person during our office hours.

Avatar Kleuser

Silke Kleuser

Examination guidance Bachelor, Master


Nußallee 14-16

53115 Bonn

Avatar Schmieden

Prof. Dr. Hartmut Schmieden

Chairperson of the Examination Board for the Physics and Astronomy teaching unit


Wegelerstr. 10

53115 Bonn

Avatar Dingfelder

Prof. Dr. Jochen Dingfelder

Deputy Chairperson of the Examination Board


Nußallee 12

53115 Bonn

What are we responsible for?

  • Certificates of recognition for students switching to Bonn are not issued by the examination office but by the subject-specific study advisors, Prof. Dr. M. Drees (MSc) and

    Dr. Eckhard von Toerne (BSc) (see Study advice and counseling).

    For students leaving Bonn, the examination office will issue a certificate of good standing if requested by their new university.

  • We are the first port of call for any questions you might have about the examination procedure.

    For example, we can help if you are having trouble registering for or deregistering from an examination. We support the examination board and are also your main contact in this regard.

    If you do not know who to go to with a problem or question, we will gladly help you find a suitable contact.

  • At the start of your studies, here is where you submit your application for admission to your bachelor’s or master’s examination.

  • During your studies, there will be a few more applications to deal with, including:
    An application for the bachelor’s or master’s examinationAn application for a deadline extension for your bachelor’s or master’s thesis
    An application to register for an examination late or for an accessibility accommodation

  • Lecturers generally enter examination results in BASIS themselves, so you should direct any queries to your examiner in the first instance.

    Results of oral review examinations, a few other oral examinations and bachelor’s and master’s theses are entered in BASIS by the examination office.

  • We will automatically issue your certificate and diploma once you have passed all the modules required for your degree program, so you do not need to request them specifically.

    Please note that, if the examination office has not entered your final examination result in BASIS, please tell us the number of credit points once this has been done so that we can issue your final documentation.

Approx. 63

students graduate from the BSc degree program in Physics each year

Approx. 70

students graduate from the MSc degree program in Physics each year

Approx. 24

students graduate from the MSc degree program in Astrophysics each year

Examination office opening hours

  • Monday - Thursday
    8 am to 2 pm
  • Friday
    by Email or Phone only
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