Search results You are only searching within this website. To find search results for other University of Bonn websites, such as those of the faculties or institutes, please use a search engine. 1117 items matching your search terms. Filter the results Item type Select All/None Medien-Ordner VideourlCT Event Tiles-Seite Image Fontfamily EasyForm Collection Icon Link Person Business Card News Person Register Folder Person Business Card Reference Language Root Folder File Template-Folder Language Independent Folder Subsite New items since Yesterday Last week Last month Ever Sort by relevance date (newest first) alphabetically The Belle II pixel detector prior to installation, - surrounded by the Belle II strip detector. The detector is attached to the beam tube right up close to the collision point. Located in News / New World Record: Thinnest Ever Pixel Detector Installed The Belle II pixel detector before installation surrounded by the Belle II strip detector. The detector is attached directly to the beampipe around the collision point. Members of University of Bonn and the ... Located in News / Florian Bernlochner elected as new Belle II spokesperson The control room of the ATLAS experiment Located in News / CERN trip of the Physikalisches Institut The experiment is recorded by the camera and projected onto the wall. Located in News / Prof. Klaus Desch started the "Kinderuni" in Summer Term 2024 The four pies represent the four large experiments (ATLAS, ALICE, LHCB and CMS). Located in News / Bonn celebrates 70 years of research at CERN The four pies represent the four large experiments at CERN (ATLAS, ALICE, LHCB and CMS). Located in News / Bonn celebrates 70 years of research at CERN The ghost ship: The buoyancy keeps a very light ship above the gas. The gas is now "visible"! Located in News / Prof. Klaus Desch started the "Kinderuni" in Summer Term 2024 The GravNet team will use these magnets at the Italian Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati to search for gravitational waves. Located in News / University of Bonn participating in two ERC Synergy Grants The group presents the finished detectors. Located in News / DIY detector workshop for Fellows at the University of Bonn The image of an atom produced by a quantum gas microscope - is normally a round, slightly blurred speck. The researchers have distorted it into a dumbbell shape (the image shows the theoretical prediction). The ... Located in News / New method measures the 3D position of individual atoms < Previous 10 items 1 ... 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 ... 112 Next 10 items > UniID Please fill out this field using the example format provided in the placeholder. The phone number will be handled in accordance with GDPR.