His group is involved in the ATLAS and FASER experiments at the Large Hadron Collider, and is currently preparing the BabyIAXO experiment at the DESY research center, as well as a new experiment at the University of Bonn for the direct search for axions and high-frequency gravitational waves. Close international cooperation partners of Prof. Schott's working group are located in the USA, France, the Czech Republic, Poland and China.
Matthias Schott starts a new research group at the Physikalisches Institut Matthias Schott starts a new research group at the Physikalisches Institut
The new research group of Matthias Schott works on questions of experimental particle physics, in particular on precision measurements of electroweak gauge bosons, studies of non-perturbative effects of QCD, and the search for axion-like particles.

Prof. Dr. Matthias Schott
© Universität Bonn/Barbara Frommann
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Prof. Dr. Matthias Schott
Email: mschott@uni-bonn.de
Tel: +49 228 73 7761
Office: Room 1.039, Nußallee 12, 53115 Bonn