
Studying and doing research in the Department of Physics and Astronomy

The Department of Physics and Astronomy is part of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Bonn and is made up of the Argelander Institute for Astronomy, the Helmholtz Institute for Radiation and Nuclear Physics, the Institute for Applied Physics and the Physikalisches Institut.

Discover our study programs, research focuses, outreach programs and find out why it's great to study physics and astronomy in Bonn!

Latest News
Embracing Diversity in High Energy Physics
October 07-09, 2024
Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics
Planetamos – Das Physikshow-Musical

The world's first physics show musical returns to the big stage on August 23 and August 24, 2024. In two entertaining hours, the physics show musical offers the audience live music, live singing and lots of humor, providing interesting facts about our blue planet.

Scattering processes in particle accelerators

Professor Claude Duhr is the speaker for a new Research Unit for particle physics which DFG will be funding over the next four years. From the Physikalisches Institut, Priv.-Doz. Dr. Florian Loebbert  and Prof. Dr. Albrecht Klemm are also Principal Investigators in the new project.

Repelling Yet Still Sticking Together

How can a structure hold together if its individual components are actually repelling one another? An international research team has now demonstrated one example of such a highly excited exotic quantum state of matter. Researchers from the University of Bonn played a major role in the study. The findings have now been published in the journal “Nature.” 

Bethe Forum: Fishnets: Conformal Field Theories and Feynman Gr...
Bethe Center
09:00 AM
"Fishnets: Conformal Field Theories and Feynman Graphs" - Für weitere Angaben folgen Sie dem Link in der Kategorie "Weitere Informationen". For further ...
Bethe Colloquium by Konstantin Zarembo
Bethe Center
04:15 PM - 06:15 PM
"Chiral Phase Transition in QCD and in Solvable Models" - Für weitere Angaben folgen Sie dem Link in der Kategorie "Weitere Informationen". For further ...
Women* in Physics Bonn: Career Paths in Industry: Working at B...
Wegelerstr. 10, 53115 ...
04:00 PM - 06:00 PM
"Career Paths in Industry: Working at BaFin (with FEMTea)" - Für weitere Angaben folgen Sie dem Link in der Kategorie "Weitere Informationen". For further ...
Bethe Forum: NuMeriQS Retreat
Bethe Center
08:00 AM
"NuMeriQS Retreat" - Für weitere Angaben folgen Sie dem Link in der Kategorie "Weitere Informationen". For further details, follow the link in the "Additional ...


Departmental Chairperson

Avatar Desch

Prof. Dr. Klaus Desch


Nußallee 12

53115 Bonn

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