All information about application, deadlines, and other formalities can be found at the website of the International Office of the University of Bonn. Please observe this information!
Welcome incoming students
Are you interested in spending an Erasmus stay at Bonn University? We are happy to welcome you in the Department of Physics and Astronomy!
You can choose from a wide range of B.Sc. and M.Sc. courses and enjoy the international flair of Bonn University. Our Master Programs are offered in English language. Students are free to choose graduate and undergraduate courses as well, regardless of their study status. The Bachelor of Science in Physics is offered in German language.

Bachelor’s degree in Physics (in German only)
The Bachelor's degree course teaches the fundamentals of experimental and theoretical physics and prepares students for the Master's degree courses in physics and astrophysics. Possible minor subjects are astronomy, chemistry, computer science, meteorology, business studies or philosophy.

Master of Science in Physics (M. Sc.)
The Master's degree is an advanced, research-oriented degree. The specializations of the Bonn degree course are based on the main areas of research in Bonn (hadron/particle physics, condensed matter/photonics).

Master of Science in Astrophysics (M. Sc.)
In the Master's degree course, students enjoy a comprehensive education in astrophysics with extensive options for individual specialization.
Erasmus coordination
Please contact Dr. Ulrich Blum, the departmental Erasmus coordinator of Physics and Astronomy, if you have any questions regarding your Erasmus stay at Bonn University.
If you would like to know what incoming students say about their Erasmus stay in Bonn, read the following testimonials. The title provides information about the date of the stay and the respective home university.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The contents of this publication reflect only the views of the author; the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use made of the information which it contains.