Filter for Event format Talk Workshop Target Group Students Researchers Children and young people All interested Time Range Today Tomorrow This week Next week This month Next month From To Monday, 07.04.2025 14:00 HEP Theory Seminar: TBA Thursday, 10.04.2025 10:00 Particle Physics Seminar: Particle theraphy masterclass Talk Thursday, 10.04.2025 16:15 Bethe Colloquium by Steven Abel Friday, 11.04.2025 13:00 Physics Colloquium: Probing Quantum Phases of Matter on Quantu... Thursday, 17.04.2025 10:00 Particle Physics Seminar: TBD Thursday, 24.04.2025 10:00 Particle Physics Seminar: Investigation of heavy exotic mesons... Thursday, 08.05.2025 10:00 Particle Physics Seminar: sin2(theta_w) measurements at MESA Thursday, 15.05.2025 10:00 Particle Physics Seminar: The HBS project group at JCNS Thursday, 22.05.2025 10:00 Particle Physics Seminar: Quarkonium Physik Thursday, 05.06.2025 10:00 Particle Physics Seminar: CP violation at LHCb Tuesday, 24.06.2025 10:00 - Thursday, 26.06.2025 15:00 Digital at School Campus - Marktstand Thursday, 26.06.2025 10:00 Particle Physics Seminar: Permanent magnets for accelerators Thursday, 03.07.2025 10:00 Particle Physics Seminar: TBD Talk Thursday, 03.07.2025 16:15 Bethe Colloquium by Martin Beneke Thursday, 10.07.2025 10:00 Particle Physics Seminar: MAPS and space detectors 1 2 Next 4 items > UniID Please fill out this field using the example format provided in the placeholder. The phone number will be handled in accordance with GDPR.